Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Prayer Warriors!

Greetings in the name of Jesus!

What a fabulous day the Lord blessed me with today. It started off this morning when I lead Community Prayers at College. I did it on Psalm 72, which was one of the lexionary readings for today.

Today also saw the first official day for the Cadets of the Prayer Warriors session! What a fantastic group of people they are! I've spent some time with them each and am definately blessed to be sharing part of our journeys together. I went up for dinner @ 5pm, and came back to my room at about 7:15pm - haha we were having heaps of fun! There was even some piano playing too.

I was also blessed to share some time with a wonderful Lieutenant by the name of Richard Parker. Richard is a great man of God and I admire his passion and love, both for God and for people. He would probably deny it, but he is incredibly smart and blessed immensley with the gift of great leadership. Pray for him, his wife Katie and their 2 beautiful girls, asking God to continually bless their ministry and that they would see rich fruit from their labours. It's an honour to be Richard & Katie's friend.

Would you please remember The Training College in your prayers at the as some topics to guide you in your praying...
- Prayer Warriors - That they would transition smoothly into College and that you would protect them from any attacks from the enemy.
- Witnesses for Christ as we prepare to head off on our Mission & Ministry Outplacements at the end of Feb. Pray that God would open our eyes and would challenge us and take us out of our comfort zones.
- Our Training principal, Captain Stephen Court and all the staff at the TC pray for God's continual guidance as they serve Him in this great and powerful way!
- Cadet's kids as they start back at school, college life and for some childcare...God give them a special touch of your love at this time.

Sovereign God - We bring you our lives. Would you continue to use us in your mission in this world. May we be always bringing people to you. Masy your light shine so brightly in us that people can't help but notice something is different. Give us a boldness in our faith, may we be holy and more like you Jesus. Draw nearer to us as we draw nearer to you. Hallelujah! Amen!

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