Thursday, March 27, 2008

Day - Night!

Greetings in the name of Jesus!

I had a great discussion with my lecturer recently and we were talking about creation, and the main part of our discussion was based on Genesis 1.

Now my lecturer is an incredible man of God. He has been studying Scripture for many years and is a very experienced Senior Pastor and lecturer.

We were talking about how God created light and darkness and how He called light; day and darkness: night. Now this is where the absolutely mind-blowing part comes in. Picture yourself standing and to the left is light and to the right was dark. It's suggested that the Biblical Hebrew translation of this suggests that God turned to the light and literally called out "DAY" and to the dark, He literally called out "NIGHT".....Isn't that amazing!? I was absolutely blown away to imagine God calling out to light and dark.

It got me thinking about how God calls out to us. He does it through people. He does it through His Word. He does it through prayer. He does it when we least expect it, and sometimes when we do expect it. I believe that God is continually calling out to us. However, I feel that, at times we miss that call because of things that are blocking our connection to Him.

What is it in your life that is blocking you from stepping into a fuller and closer relationship with God? What is it in your life that is blocking your ears, eyes and heart, so that you don't hear God calling?

What is it in your life that you have to hand over to God?

Do it today! He'll give you the strength! He promises it!

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