Thursday, March 20, 2008


Greetings in the name of Jesus!

Would you believe me if I said that Jesus died for you? Would you say 'Yes, I believe Jesus died for me'. Or would you say 'Don't start that again Stobes, you know I don't believe in that rubbish'. Or maybe you would say something different. Think about it!

God freely sent His only Son, Jesus, to die for the sins of the world. Not just for me, not just for Christians but for every person in the whole entire world. He sent Jesus so that we might be able to have a personal and meaningful relationship with Him.

God watched on as Jesus was brutally whipped, as the shreds of skins were ripped off His body. He watched as they mocked Jesus. God watched as they made Jesus carry a heavy wooden cross on a journey that He knew would lead to His crucifixion. He watched as the nails pierced His skin, as the nails were driven through the Saviour's hands. As He cried out in agony and unexplainable pain, God watched. God watched His one and only Son die. How it must have absolutely and completely broken His heart.

Some of you could possibly be thinking 'I would never ever allow that to happen to my children'. God sacrificed His Son, Jesus so that we might have life. That we might be free from bondage and opression. That we might choose to have a relationship with Him. He sacrificed His Son, so that our sins could be washed away and so we could be made new in Christ, And so that we could live with Him in eternity!

God showed us this divine love through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus. He did it for you. He did it for me. Come to Jesus. He loves you. Nothing you have done, or could ever do, could ever separate you from the love of God (Romans 8). Speak to God, even right now, where you are. Confess your sins to Him. Tell Him you are sorry. Tell Him that you believe that Jesus died for your sins. Tell Him you want to live a life devoted to Him. That you want to honour Him with your life. Ask Him for His help and guidance. Tell Him you want the Holy Spirit to dwell within you. Ask Him for it - He is faithful. Ask Him to provide good, Christian people around you, who will be positive influences on you. Hallelujah!

Jesus would rather go to hell for you, than Heaven without you!


Amy said...

Great Minds think alike! Or maybe its just the fact easters coming up?? haha.

Im doing a little talk at our Good Friday Morning Service, covers almost the same stuff you covered here. God is so Awesome true? Preparing my talk made me quite sad, being reminded of the huge sacrifice that Jesus took for ME!

I love Jesus! Bless you my friend!

jsi said...

Exceptional message of the gospel of redemption from Christ Jesus.

Embrace and celebrate this Holy Week bowing before God, our Maker, and His Son Christ Jesus, lover of our soul.