Monday, December 17, 2007

Disciples in training, NOT in waiting!

Greetings in the name of Jesus!

The last few weeks, I believe God has been placing something very strongly on my heart. I know when He's placed things on my heart in the past, and so because of that I discern that this is of God this time also.

You may know them from their laughter, or their cheekiness or even, at times, their naughtiness. They have so much joy and are absolutely full of life. They appear to be fearless and willing to do anything. They are wonderful gifts from God.

I am talking about Children!

We need to be effective in our children's ministries. We need to disciple them well. We need to love them, care for them, support them, encourage them and empower them. They are not Disciples in waiting, No! They are Disciples in training! Jesus loves the children, they are apart of His Kingdom. Hallelujah!

We must disciple our kids wherever we are! For parents, disciple your kids, teach them the ways of the Lord. It's a Biblical instruction! (Check our Proverbs 22:6)For all of us, disciple the kids we come into contact with!

I had a conversation on Saturday night with a very good and close friend of mine. She is a faithful woman and has such a great heart for God, Children and Cross-Cultural ministries. We were discussing the importance of valuing children. No longer can we be half-hearted about kids ministries. We need to be doing it with our whole heart!

Sunday night I was @ The Salvation Army - Waverley Temple Corps and it was the YP (Young People's) Christmas Concert. Kids are being discipled there, and not just in spiritual things. It was an amazing night, that bought with it huge blessing.

God, we thank You for the gift of children. May You empower us to love them more, teach them more, support them more and empower them more. May the kids ministries in Your Army - The Salvation Army be covered in Your anointing and absolutely EXPLODE - Growing from strength to strength. In Your name, for Your glory! Hallelujah! Amen!

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