Thursday, December 6, 2007

Magistrates Court

Greetings in the name of Jesus!

As part of my placement, I had the immense privilege and eye-opening experience of the work of The Salvation Army Chaplains in the Magistrates Court. The Chaplains that work there are Majors Dennis & Thelma McMillan & Captain Alison Platt. They are quite an extraordinary team who love God with a passion and with that same passion love people. It's inspiring!

One of the things that really amazed me was how much TSA is respected in the Courts & Prisons. The people knew the Chaplains by name and even shared in many jokes with them. It was refreshing and such a great blessing to be apart of and experience. We must pay tribute to Chaplains, who are often overlooked. But, they play an integrel part and have such a powerful ministry. They need our prayers. Pray for them regularly.

Over the past four days I have come into contact with many, if not most of the Courts & Prisons Chaplains and have been incredibly encouraged and inspired by their wealth of knowledge and their practical application of God's Word. It really is amazing! I have learnt from them, and am confident that I will continue to learn from them well into the future - whatever, or where ever my appointment may be.

Tonight I went carolling with TSA - Brunswick Corps. It was great fun. Good people, good music, good ministry and good (extremely funny) experiences! We played for a couple of hours whike others collected from door to door and then on the way home, we sang all our parts. Praise God for the gift of music!

Today I also celebrate a good friend of mine giving her life to Jesus! All of heaven is rejoicing! We took her through the prayer and she's loving the Lord! God we give you ALL the glory. We thank You for all You have done, all You are doing and all that You will do. Give us strength to be all You've made us to be. Empower us by Your Spirit and lead us in Your love. May we be more and more like You. This is our prayer. You are faithful and we celebrate You. Hallelujah! Amen!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Gosh! Update your blog already, its been like 3 days! =O haha!